Well, its been a crazy year for the shop. Hectic and amazing. I have to say its pretty cool that my little creations have caused such a buzz...yay!
I am closing up the shop today once the last little guy is picked up. I'll reopen it on January 2nd and I'll have to hit the ground running. My custom orders are sold out for the months of January and February...already :o)
Looks like next year is going to be quite busy :o)
I didn't post pics yesterday of our day at the Memphis Zoo...or as we all jokingly have come to call it..."ttttthe annnuuual ddday at the zzzzzooooo" as we all shiver from the cold :o)
Our oldest was a Christmas baby and she is an animal fanatic...as well as an amazing artist :o)...so every year, when asked what she would like to do with the family for her birthday ever since she could talk her answer would always be..."The Zoo!" So every year in freezing cold weather (what could arguably always be one of the coldest days of the year) we are all at the zoo walking around, the upside, its always empty on that day...wonder why :o)...so it seems like the place was opened just for us :o)
All in all, it was cold...of course, but I honestly wouldn't have wanted to spend the day doing anything else :o)