You can save your MTO details in a wish list. This can be done even if there are none in stock...
Here is how...
Step 1
Go to the MTO listing on the page.
Taking your time, go thru and add your options to the order.
Once you have chosen your options, click on the "Add To Wish List" button.
If there are none available (not in stock) this is the message you will see.
Do not worry, your details are saved in your wish list.
It will be there waiting for when some are stocked.
To view your wish list, you go into "Your Account"
At the bottom in the right corner, is a link:
"View My Wish List"
Now when we release new slots and you get your tweet, go back into "Your Account" and then "View My Wish List"
This is how your item will appear in your Wish List.
At this point, you will click "Add To Cart"
This is how it will appear in your cart.
NOTE - this image will only appear if there are items in stock. If none are available, the yellow "Out of Stock" image will appear.
At this point, if you wish to confirm your options, click on the "View List of Options I Selected" link and as is shown in the image, A window will come up with the options you chose.
At this point, you add to cart and proceed with checkout as you would a regular purchase.