Monday, December 17, 2012

Good Afternoon all...

Hey all, sorry its taken me so long today to get online and post.  Suffice to say I am a little single minded right now trying to make sure we get all the dolls out so they can make it home in time for Christmas.

We will not be doing an RTG doll upload this week.  
We are focusing our energies on getting the Christmas MTO's out the door.

We do indeed have ponies...and we have decided to put them up randomly over the next few days.  We will post on Twitter and on Facebook when they are going to be posted...we will give you at least a 10 minute heads up on them.

MTO's -  all the MTO slots we will have available for the week have been released in the shop...its just easier for us this way.

...and, one more thing we are doing...

We decided that we wanted to have some we released 15 Little MTO slots that are priced at $150 and 5 - 12 inch MTO slots that are priced at $165. Its just one way we are saying THANK YOU to all of you :)

 Those of you on Twitter, that code is valid for these too :)