Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Week at DFH - Wednesday


Is it Wednesday already?  The days kinda fly by.  

So, what happens on Wednesdays?  
Well, lots of last minute prepping of the dolls.  Hair trim and style, cheeks blushed, clothes put on so they all look gorgeous for their public debut later today.  Actually, I got that done late last night so I get some down time this morning to type this post and get some supply ordering done..yep it never ends :o)

Also, behind the scenes, we take the yarn that has been dyed up and plot out what we need for the next week.  

Here is a pic of some of the yarn dyed up yesterday...

Sometime in the later afternoon, our very own super crochet mama Kristen comes by to pick up and drop off.

Here she is...

Another super adorable mama, huh?

Kristen is amazing.  She is a super talented, super sweet mama of 2 adorable sweet heart girls.  She has never batted an eye when she shows up and I show her something I whipped up and ask her to figure out how I did it ( cause I am awesome at writing things down)  :o)  She smiles, goes home and gets on it and in literally no time at all, she is sending me pics of her own version...yep, she's pretty awesome.  Wait till you all see what we have been cooking up for you all in the coming week or will see just how awesome Kristen is at crocheting...and you are gonna LOVE it.

Kristen is expecting her third kiddo right now, she has been pretty sick so she has not been her usual active self.  She had a difficult day yesterday so we are hoping she rests today and continues to do so for however long it takes her to rest up.  
Hear that mama?  Rest, nap, don't forget to eat, then rest and nap some more...oh...and drink some water :o)  we want you whole, energetic, healthy and happy.

OK so what else?  hmmm more training, dying and various other tasks.  Preview pics will be up later this afternoon around 4:00 pm central.

I think that about covers it all.  I guess I'd better get on some of my stuff now.  Have a great day, see you all later today with the previews.